
来源 :青少年日记 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ZYYZH
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6月7日晴“民以食为天”作为一个普通公民,我最关心的还是日常的饮食安全。我的中国梦就是能放心食用安全食品,不再为劣质食品而提心吊胆。近年来,中国食品安全问题令人担忧。老百姓经常为“吃”提心吊胆。2006年知情人士举报第一代用餐厨垃圾所做的地沟油,到2010年都有持续不断的报道,人们开始警惕,减少外出吃饭机会。2012年,新型地沟油出世,将劣质、过期、腐败了的动物皮、肉、内脏经过简单加工提炼后生产出来的油,生产过程令人作呕,极大损伤身体。揭露后,社会上引起一片哗然,人人自危起来。近年来,毒奶粉,瘦肉精,染色馒头,毒豆芽,牛肉膏,各 June 7 sunny “people eat the sun ” as an ordinary citizen, I am most concerned about the daily dietary safety. My Chinese dream is to be able to rest assured that I eat safe food and I am no longer afraid of poor food. In recent years, the issue of food safety in China is worrying. Common people often “eat” fear. In 2006, insiders reported that the waste oil produced by the first generation of kitchen waste was continuously reported by 2010, and people began to be vigilant and reduce their chances of eating out. In 2012, a new type of waste oil was born. The oil produced after simple processing and refining of inferior, expired and corrupt animal skins, meat and viscera has been disgusted by the production process and greatly damaged the body. After the revelation, the community caused an uproar and everyone was at risk. In recent years, poison milk, clenbuterol, dyed bread, poisonous bean sprouts, beef paste, each
2001年第一季度分省邮政业务总收入完成情况表 The first quarter of 2001, the province’s postal business revenue of the completion of the table
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走累了停下的时候/脑海中浮现出/故乡的街道/小山上迂回的小径/对这样的我/发出告诫/无论经历何种挫折时/下定决心再也不要流浪/country road/这条路/尽管她连着故乡/但我不
互联网是知识经济时代震颤人类灵魂的最强音。 然而互联网创造财富的故事依然把普通百姓排斥在外; The Internet is the strongest voice that trembles human souls in th