山西省军区在基本完成第一届军事志编纂出版任务的情况下 ,及时开展了军事志续修工作。军委办公厅〔2 0 0 1〕 1 2号文件下发后 ,省军区党委、首长认真学习 ,积极贯彻 ,对军事志续修工作抓得更紧。着重抓了以下几点 :1 .制定军事志续修工作规划和续修篇目 ,并征求了省地方志办
With the completion of the task of compiling and publishing the first military comrade, Shanxi Military Region carried out the military remediation work in a timely manner. After the issuance of the [2 0 0 1] 1 2 document of the General Office of the Central Military Commission, the party committees and heads of the provincial military region conscientiously studied and carried out the plan earnestly, and grasped the work on renewing their military ambitions more tightly. Focus on the following points: 1. To develop a military ambition repair work planning and renewal articles, and consulted the provincial Department of Local Records