意大利画家弗朗切斯科·克莱门特Francesco Clemente)被誉为当代最出色的新表现主义画家之一,他从文艺复兴起源地意大利走来,经历万物有灵的印度南部,到达最耀眼的现代性景观纽约,每一地域的文化积淀都丰富了克莱门特的创作语汇,他作品视觉体验的丰富与晦涩而露骨的表现内容相互交织,构成了一种原始神秘主义的非大众信仰,闪耀着籍里柯笔下的超现实主义元素,席勒的自我宣泄情绪,马蒂斯大胆的律动色彩和原始艺术自然而然的拙朴气息。
The Italian painter Francesco Clemente, known as one of the most outstanding neo-figurative painters of his time, traveled from Italy, the country of Renaissance, to the most dazzling Indian south of all things Modern landscape New York, each area’s cultural accumulation enriched Clement’s creative vocabulary, his works visual experience rich and obscure and explicit expression intertwined, constitutes a non-popular religion of primitive mysticism , Sparkling the surrealistic elements of Jerry’s writing, Schiller’s self-venting, the daring rhythmicity of Matisse and the unobtrusive nature of the original art.