在徐家子孙捐献徐继盇文物前后,当事人任复兴先后于 1989年 3月 7日、 6月 3日、 6月 29日三次开列捐献文物清单,经三方核实分类共有 34种 297件,字画有:徐继盇父子夫妻画像、徐继盇父子写的条幅、乾隆 42年诰封其曾祖父母圣旨、元代大画家王振鹏的《十鹿图》、明永乐帝命
Before and after Xu’s descendants donated Xu Jiju relics, Ren Fuxing successively listed donated cultural relics lists three times on March 7, June 3 and June 29, 1989. There were 34 kinds of 297 pieces verified by the tripartite constituents, including: Xu Jiyu Father and son couple portraits, Xu Jiyu father and son to write the banner, Qianlong 42 years to seal its great-grandfather imperial edict, the great painter Wang Zhenpeng’s “ten deer map”, Ming Yongle Emperor’s life