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党的十四届四中全会明确指出,抓好农村党的基层组织建设,关键在县委;县委书记是第一责任人。从农村经济和各项事业发展的目标任务出发,结合农村基层党组织建设的实际,作为“第一责任人”的县委书记,从工作实践来看,要切实肩负起第一位的责任,整体推进农村党建工作的水平,主要应做到以下几点:(一)、正确处理经济建设与党的建设的关系,强化“党要管党”意识在实际工作中,如何正确处理党的建设与经济建设的关系呢?一是要牢固树立经济建设必须依靠党组织的正确领导的思想。改革开放、经济建设乃至社会各项事业、各项工作的开展都不能离开党的领导。在农村,农民群众脱贫致富奔小康,时刻都离不了各级党组织的组织发动和正确引导。抓好党的建设,可以为经济发展提供坚实保证和强大动力;反之,则会影响和制约经济的快速发展。清水县白驼乡唐城村原是一个支部瘫痪、各项工作被动落后的村,几年来乡干部就经济抓经济,对村上的党建工作不予重视,其结果是各项经济工作越来越难搞,任务年年完不成。1993年,乡党委从调整村支部班子、加强支部自身思想作风建设入手,使该村很快大变样,当年建起产值20万元的砖瓦厂一个,户均种植苹果2.7亩,养猪1头,村民人均纯收入一年时间就增加 The Fourth Plenary Session of the 14th Central Committee of the Party made it clear that it is the first responsibility of the county party committee to do a good job of building the grassroots organizations in the rural areas. Starting from the objectives and tasks of rural economy and various career development and combining with the actual construction of rural grassroots party organizations, the county party secretary who is the “first responsible person” should, practically, shoulder the first responsibility , The overall promotion of the level of party building in rural areas, the main points should be done as follows: (A), correctly handle the relationship between economic construction and party building, strengthen the “party should be in charge of” awareness in the actual work, how to correctly handle the party First, to firmly establish the idea that economic construction must rely on the correct leadership of the party organizations. In carrying out reforms and opening up, economic construction and even all social undertakings, we can not leave the party’s leadership without carrying out any work. In rural areas, the peasants and masses have become increasingly well-off from poverty and can not be mobilized and properly guided by the organizations of party organizations at all levels. Doing a good job in building the party can provide a solid guarantee and a strong impetus to economic development; on the contrary, it will affect and restrict the rapid economic development. Tangcun Village, a white camel town in Qingshui County, was originally a village with a branch that was paralyzed and passive in all its work. In the past few years, the township cadres have paid special attention to the economy and neglected the party building in the village. As a result, the economic work has become increasingly difficult Engage, the task can not be completed year after year. In 1993, the township party committee started with adjusting the village branch team and strengthening the branch’s own ideological and work style construction so that the village soon changed its shape. In the same year, a brick and tile factory with a production value of 200,000 yuan was set up. Each household had 2.7 acres of apples and 1 pig Heads, per capita net income of villagers increased a year
以某变电站为例,详细分析了输电线路断线引起35 kV系统谐振的因为,探讨了解决问题的对策.
我国为农业大国, 每年种植水稻及小麦都会生成大量的秸秆资源,秸秆本身含有大量的 N、P、K 等成分,是一种良好的农业资源,但实际上却并没有得到合理应用,而传统农业下秸秆焚
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