当前,在少年儿童中大力加强“两史一情”教育,是落实江泽民同志的指示,进一步加强学校德育工作,提高学生素质,培养合格的社会主义事业建设者和接班人的战略措施。因此,如何使“两史一情”教育落在实处,怎样把‘两史一情”教育与自己所教的学科有机地结合起来,以取得较大的成效,是我们广大教育工作者值得认真探讨的重要课题。近两年来,我在思想品德课教学中作了一些尝试,取得了一定的成绩。 一、注重史实 以真感人
At present, vigorously strengthening “two history and one affection” education among children and adolescents is a strategic measure to implement Comrade Jiang Zemin’s instructions, further strengthen school moral education, improve students’ quality, and train qualified socialist builders and successors. Therefore, how to make “two history and one situation” education be implemented, how to integrate the education of ’two history and one situation’ with the disciplines it teaches, and to achieve greater results, it is our educators who are worthy of seriousness. In the past two years, I have made some attempts in the teaching of morality and morality and achieved certain results.