曾被自治区党委、人民政府和新疆军区授予“孙龙珍民兵班”光荣称号的农九师161团12连女民兵班有着辉煌的历史:先后被全国妇联、自治区妇联授予“三八红旗光进单位”、两次荣立集体三等功、被农九师树为“标兵集体”、第三任班长班翠莲曾作为访朝友好代表团成员,赴朝参观访问,受到金日成等朝鲜党和国家领导人的亲切接见…… 孙龙珍民兵班何以获如此众多殊荣?近况如何?带着惊奇和疑问,我们踏上了寻访之路。 我们乘坐的“陆地巡洋舰”在起伏跌宕的山谷中急驰,倚车
The 161-member Nongjiu division 161, which was awarded the glorious title of “Sun Longzhen Militia Class” by the party committees, the people’s governments and the Xinjiang Military Region, has a glorious history: It was awarded the title of “38 Red Flag Light Into Units” by the Women’s Federation of the All- , Twice to establish the collective third class work, was Nongjiushu tree as a “pacesetter collective”, the third squad Benquillalian visited the DPRK as a friendly delegation to visit DPRK, Kim Il Sung and other North Korea party and The cordial meeting of state leaders ... ... Sun Longzhen militia classes won so many awards? Recent how? With surprise and doubt, we embarked on a search for the road. We ride the “Land Cruiser” in the ups and downs of the valley galloping, rely on cars