命运真的是个奇妙的东西,人海茫茫中你与我不经意的擦肩而过,芸芸众生中你与他的患难之交,虽然看起来那么的普通、那么的顺理成章,但眼前的一切一切都是上天冥冥安排的。虽然我们整日奔波,妄图自己来掌握命运,然而真正做到的能有几人,就像《泰塔尼克号》的男主角因为一张赌博赢来的船票,换来了一份惊世骇俗的经典爱情,却最终无法改变葬身大海的命运。 生活中同样如此,朋友间的真诚,敌人间的对立,因为命运的存在,往往那道界限变得不再那样清晰,而绿茵场上,从效力于两支死敌球队的对手,到最后成为并肩作战的队友的例子也是屡见不鲜,今天就让我们看看这些从对头最后却阴差阳错地成为队友的特别搭档们。
Fate is really a wonderful thing, the vast sea of people you and I inadvertently pass, mortal beings in his affair with his affliction, although it seems so ordinary, then a matter of course, but in front of everything God arranged somewhere. Although we are rushing all day long in a vain attempt to grasp the fate of ourselves, there are only a few people we can really accomplish, just as the actor of “The Titanic” has got a shock because of a gambling ticket Classic love, but ultimately can not change the fate of the dead sea. The same is true in life, sincerity between friends, the antagonism between enemies, because of the fate of the existence of the boundaries often become less clear, and the pitch, from the play against two opponents rival team until finally become Examples of side-by-side teammates are also uncommon, today let us look at these special partners who turned out to be team-mates from the opposite end of the match.