The effects of flow conditions on the vortex structure and mixing characteristics of cavity flow field were analyzed using PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry) flow field sequences with different Reynolds numbers. There are two vortexes of different sizes and directions of rotation in the time-averaged flow field. As the Reynolds number increases, the large vortex develops and grows, and eventually is controlled by the solid wall boundary. The small vortex is reduced by the large vortex compression. The final stable Reynolds numbers of both are close to 2000. The stable vortices of the large and small vortex are 0.83D, 0.13D (cavity depth). The increase of Reynolds number leads to the collision zone between the shear layer and the cavity extending from the downstream corner of the cavity to the interior of the cavity. The area with relatively small degree of blending rapidly increases with the increase of Reynolds number. Mix the degree of relatively intense area, the range will tend to stabilize faster. The collision between the shear layer and the downstream wall of the cavity determines the mixing characteristics of the cavity, and the correlation between the Reynolds stress high-value region and the hourly average large vortex has a good correlation.