Nowadays, security defence of network uses the game theory, which mostly applies complete information game model or even the static game model. To get closer to the actual network and defend actively, we propose a network attack-defence game model by using signalling game, which is modelled in the way of dynamic and incomplete information. We improve the traditional attack-defence strategies quantization method to meet the needs of the network signalling game model. Moreover, we give the calculation of the game equilibrium and analyse the optimal defence scheme. Finally, we analyse and verify effectiveness of the model and method through a simulation experiment.
Nowadays, security defense of network uses the game theory, which mostly applies complete information game model or even the static game model. To get closer to the actual network and defend actively, we propose a network attack-defense game model by using signaling game, which is modelled in the way of dynamic and incomplete information. We improve the traditional attack-defense strategies quantization method to meet the needs of the network signaling game model. Moreover, we give the calculation of the game equilibrium and analyze the optimal defense scheme. Finally, we analyze and verify effectiveness of the model and method through a simulation experiment.