194 5年 7月 2 6日 ,中、美、英三国发表的《波茨坦公告》决定 ,为了永久粉碎日本军国主义企图征服亚洲以至整个世界的狂妄野心 ,战后盟国军队将对日本实行军事占领。8月 1 5日 ,日本宣布无条件投降后 ,盟国商定 ,设盟军总司令部于日本东京 ,并由中、美、英、苏四国分别派出武
On July 26, 2005, the Potsdam Proclamation issued by China, the United States and Britain decided that in the aftermath of the war Allied forces would occupy Japan in military occupation in order to permanently crush the arrogance of Japanese militarists in their attempts to conquer Asia and the entire world. On August 15, Japan announced that after its unconditional surrender, the Allies agreed that the Allied Commander-in-Chief be set up in Tokyo, Japan and dispatched troops respectively from China, the United States, Britain, and the Soviet Union