患者男61岁住院号51542 1983年7月22日急诊入院。入院诊断为右眼继发性青光眼,老年性白内障。右眼视力逐渐下降8个月。右眼间歇性胀痛和同侧头痛20天。曾在某医院治疗11天,症状减轻。1983年7月22日凌晨,右眼又疼,急来就诊。右眼胀痛及同侧头痛极为剧烈,伴恶心呕吐。右眼视力光感,左眼1.2。左眼眼外及眼底均无异常。右眼上、下睑轻微水肿、痉挛,混合性充血(++),角膜稍混KP(一),前房极浅,虹膜膨隆,纹理欠清,无节段性萎缩。瞳孔中度扩大,晶体混浊。
Patient Male 61 years old Hospital number 51542 Emergency medical admissions on July 22, Admitted to the hospital diagnosed as secondary glaucoma, senile cataract. Right eye vision decreased gradually 8 months. Right eye intermittent pain and ipsilateral headache for 20 days. Has been in a hospital for 11 days, reduce the symptoms. Early morning of July 22, 1983, the right eye and pain, urgent treatment. Right eye pain and ipsilateral headache is extremely intense, with nausea and vomiting. Right eye vision light perception, left eye 1.2. Left eye and fundus were normal. Mild edema of the upper and lower eyelids, spasm, mixed congestion (++), corneal mixed with KP (a), very shallow anterior chamber, bulging iris, lack of texture, segmental atrophy. Moderate pupil expansion, crystal opacity.