From June to July 1983, when we conducted a geological survey in the Yushu area of Qinghai Province, we found a better profile of ophiolite suite at Gara between Dazidong and Tianhe. Although ophiolite suite has been strongly dismembered, broken, piece physics and chemistry, but its basic components have, in the Tongtianhe tectonic belt can be used as a representative section. As a tectonic belt, the Tongtianhe-Jinshajiang River has been universally recognized and applied in China. In recent years, scholars who studied the plate tectonics have even used it as the boundary line between the two ancient North and South continents - plate suture. However, in this article In addition to Zhang Meng has brought coverage of the ophiolite near Derong, especially in the western part of the Tongtianhe so far there is no official report of ophiolite sets. Therefore, the new discovery of the green-cover section of the Garla ophiolite provides new information on the characteristics of the ophiolite suite in the Tongtianhe-Jinshajiang belt, the evolution history of the Goutitis Sea, and the geological structure and formation pattern of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau .