
来源 :连云港市人民政府公报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hzq5157585
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连政办发[2017]56号各县、区人民政府,市各委办局,市各直属单位:根据《市政府办公室关于印发连云港市政府系统值班工作规范的通知》(连政办发[2015]19号)等有关文件要求,经市政府同意,现就开展政务值班工作标准化建设有关事项通知如下:一、充分认识政务值班工作标准化建设重要意义政务值班工作是各级政府高效运转的重要环节,是服务基层、服务群众、服务领 Lianzhengbanfa [2017] No.56 Counties and districts People’s governments and municipal commissions Offices and municipalities directly under the Central Government: According to the “Notice of the Municipal Government Office on Issuing the Work System of Lianyungang Municipal Government on duty” (Lianzhengbanfa [ 2015] No. 19) and other relevant documents, with the approval of the municipal government, we hereby notify you of the following matters related to the standardization of government duty on duty: 1. Fully understand the importance of standardizing the construction of duty on duty in the government office. The duty on duty is important for the efficient operation of government at all levels Links, is the grass-roots service, service masses, service collar