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即使是夜间进入五台山,不断走高的山势和四周围连绵起伏、隐隐约约的山影,也能让人感到已是进入一片幽深旷远之境。及至早晨起来一看,才发现整个五台山地区群峰环抱、山峦雄峙,山体高大浑圆,沟谷旷寥辽阔、顶天立地,充满了帝王之气,真不愧是灵山宝地!五台山位于山西五台县,东临华北平原,西接黄土高原,北依恒山,南面中原,居中国四大佛教名山之首。所谓五台,是因有五座山峰环抱,山峰平顶如累土之台,故得名;分东、南、西、北、中五台。 Even into the Mount Wutai at night, the rising mountain and surrounded by rolling, vague mountain shadow, but also make people feel that it is into a deep and boredom. Up until the morning, it was discovered that the entire Wutai Mountain area is surrounded by peaks, the mountains are majestic, the mountains are tall and round, the valleys are vast and vast, and full of imperialism. It is indeed a treasure of Lingshan Mountain! Wutai Mountain is located in Wutai County, Shanxi Province, Pro North China Plain, west of the Loess Plateau, north by Hengshan, south of the Central Plains, ranking China’s four major Buddhist mountains of the first. The so-called five, because there are five peaks surrounded by peaks, such as land of flat terraces, so named; points East, South, West, North and Central China.
五月的一个星期六下午,杨老师带领我们岔路学校足球队来到了石鼓路小学参加南京市校园足球联赛。当我们来到比赛场地时,眼前的情景让我们惊呆了:许多学校的队员们正 On a Sa
在火烧油层实验中,我们用到的燃烧管长度是1 m,内径是0.0381 m。这次研究的目的是来研究压力和空气流动率对温度,油藏,前缘速率,氧气利用率和产气量的影响。我们可以发现,随
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1日我市在阳光广场举行升国旗仪式,庆祝共和国58周岁华诞。 On the 1st, the city held a flag raising ceremony in Sunshine Plaza to celebrate the 58th anniversary of
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在向产业化转型的中国影视舞台上,中国企业界群雄登场,各显其能,在与各种体制和观念的碰撞中,资本和艺术的联手以及相互依存,越来越引人关注。 At the stage of transformin
简述了变压吸附脱碳装置的工艺流程及主要设备相关参数,总结该装置工艺流程特点,并根据开车的实际情况提出存在的问题与解决办法。 The process flow of the PSA unit and t