Gansu Hexi Corridor is a closed inland area with low altitude in the south, high in the north and low inland. The inland rivers converge to the north. Under the rock support, the groundwater table is close to the ground surface and salt accumulates in the upper part of the soil layer, forming a scattered inland saline-alkali zone. Jiuquan County Jiuquan County, groundwater salinity 3.05-5.26 grams / liter, 87% of arable land for the salinization of soil, the whole salt 0.279-0.639%, 13% of arable land for saline soil, the full amount of salt 0.923-1.429%. Irrigation water salinity 0.73 g / l. Comprehensive treatment of saline-alkali land, to take the overall planning, dig drainage, renovation irrigation, shaft drainage and irrigation, the construction of horizontal strip fields, deep blisters leaching salt, afforestation, planting rice, planting green manures and other measures to make the village 4686 acres of grain yield average yield From 370 pounds up to 733 pounds.