自从俄罗斯库尔斯克号核潜艇沉没后 ,进行打捞营救作业的潜水员也成了人们关注的特殊的群体。潜水员应有哪些不同于他人的作业能力 ,如何对其作业能力有准确的鉴定呢 ?这不仅对于评价潜水员的优劣 ,而且对于保障各种潜水作业任务的顺利完成都有十分重要的意义。如能进一步细化
Since the sinking of the Russian Kursk nuclear submarine, the diver who undertakes rescue and salvage operations has also become a special group of people’s attention. Divers should be different from others ability to work, how to assess their ability to operate it? This is not only for assessing the pros and cons of divers, but also for the successful completion of a variety of diving operations tasks are of great significance. If further refinement