
来源 :中国高校招生 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:abaccj
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根据教育部的部署,2001年将在全国普通高考外语科英语语种增加听力部分考试。为确保这项改革措施的顺利进行,前不久,教育部考试中心针对听力考试自身的特点和要求,制定了如下规定:一、关于考生入场和提前出场的时间规定今年7月9日上午8:30考生开始进入考场,8:45,禁止迟到考生进入考场,9:00正式开始考试。9:30后才能提前交卷出场。无论听力成绩是否计入总分或以何种方式计入总分均必须在该科目考试起始时 According to the deployment of the Ministry of Education, the Listening Test will be added to the English language classes of the National College Entrance Examination in 2001. In order to ensure the smooth implementation of this reform measure, the Ministry of Education Examination Center recently formulated the following rules for the characteristics and requirements of the hearing test itself: 1. The time for entry and early appearance of candidates is stipulated on the morning of July 9 of this year. :30 Candidates began to enter the examination room at 8:45. They were forbidden to enter the examination room late. The examination began at 9:00. After 9:30, they can play in advance. Regardless of whether the audition score is included in the total score or how the total score is counted, it must be at the beginning of the subject exam.
Turkey 一词的本义是“火鸡”或“火鸡肉”,而大写“T”的 Turkey 则是亚洲的一个国家——土耳其的国名。这两个同形同音异义词(Homonym)并非偶合,而是有一定的历史渊源。自
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