制造麩氨酸鈉的原料,可用麵筋加鹽酸水解,以后在低温(—8℃)下析出麩氨酸的鹽酸鹽結晶,再变成鈉鹽。此法虽成本較低,但一般医院若非有一定設备,不易制造;同时手續較繁,也非一般药工人員所易掌握。現在所介绍的制造法,倒甚簡單,而得出成品,又符合注射用,可供药工人員自制少量时試用。一、制法:取味精10兩,用70%酒精900毫升冷浸24小时,过濾,用70%酒精洗至洗液不呈黄色。棄去浸液或洗液,但酒精可蒸溜收回再用。然后將殘渣加水400 ml煮沸,溶解,加活性炭2 g,煮沸数分鐘,过濾,用蒸溜水50 ml分
The raw material for the production of sodium glutamate can be hydrolyzed with gluten and hydrochloric acid, and then the hydrochloride crystal of glutamic acid precipitated at low temperature (-8°C) and then converted into sodium salt. Although the cost of this method is relatively low, but the general hospital if not a certain equipment, it is not easy to manufacture; at the same time, the procedures are more complicated and not easily grasped by general pharmacists. The manufacturing method now described is very simple, and the finished product is also suitable for injection. It can be used by small numbers of pharmacists when it is self-produced. First, the system of law: take MSG 10, with 70% alcohol 900 ml cold soak for 24 hours, filter, wash with 70% alcohol to wash liquid is not yellow. Discard the immersion liquid or lotion, but alcohol can be distilled back and reused. Then add 400 ml of water to the residue, boil, dissolve, add 2 g of activated charcoal, boil for a few minutes, filter, and distill the water with 50 ml