
来源 :岩土工程学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wdyan297
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地震灾害有两个普遍现象:地基、基础均未破坏(地基液化等特殊情况除外);柱下部弯曲破坏点在地面处。前一现象说明地基基础与柱相比有更大安全储备,后一现象表明柱下部最大弯矩不是在柱底而是在地面处。经分析可认为:柱与基础构成一杠杆,驱动力是作用于柱的水平力和弯矩,约束力是地基各反力,而地板则是其支点如图1。按此原理设计地基基础有如下效果:①消除了地基基础过大安全储备,缩小了基础,降低了造价;②正确地反应了柱下部的内力状态;③消除了基础越深抗震能力越小的矛盾。 Earthquake disasters have two common phenomena: the foundations and foundations are not damaged (except for special conditions such as liquefaction of the foundation); the bending failure point of the lower part of the column is at the ground. The former phenomenon shows that the ground foundation has a greater safety reserve than the column, and the latter phenomenon shows that the maximum bending moment in the lower part of the column is not at the bottom of the column but at the ground. After analysis, it can be considered that the column and the foundation constitute a lever, the driving force is the horizontal force and the bending moment acting on the column, the binding force is the reaction force of the foundation, and the floor is the fulcrum thereof. According to this principle, the foundation design has the following effects: 1 It eliminates the excessive safety reserve of the foundation, reduces the foundation, and reduces the cost; 2 correctly reflects the internal forces of the lower part of the column; 3 eliminates the deeper the foundation, the smaller the seismic resistance contradiction.
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