来源 :Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kwatog
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The wave propagation in periodic and disordered periodic piezoelectric rods is studied in this paper. The transfer matrix between two consecutive unit cells is obtained according to the continuity conditions. The electromechanical coupling of piezoelectric materials is considered. According to the theory of matrix eigenvalues, the frequency bands in periodic structures are studied. Moreover, by introducing disorder in both the dimensionless length and elastic constants of the piezoelectric ceramics, the wave localization in disordered periodic structures is also studied by using the matrix eigenvalue method and Lyapunov exponent method. It is found that tuned periodic structures have the frequency passbands and stopbands and localization phenomenon can occur in mistuned periodic structures. Furthermore, owing to the effect of piezoelectricity, the frequency regions for waves that cannot propagate through the structures are slightly increased with the increase of the piezoelectric constant. The wave propagation in periodic and disordered periodic piezoelectric rods is studied in this paper. The electromechanical coupling of periodic materials is considered in this paper. According to the theory of matrix eigenvalues, the frequency bands in periodic structures are studied. Moreover, by introducing disorder in both the dimensionless length and elastic constants of the piezoelectric ceramics, the wave localization in disordered periodic structures is also studied by using the matrix eigenvalue method and Lyapunov exponent method. It is found that tuned periodic structures have the frequency passbands and stopbands and localization frequency can be in mistuned periodic structures. Furthermore, due to the effect of piezoelectricity, the frequency regions for waves that can not propagate through the structures are slightly increased with the increase of the piezoelectric constants ant.
LaFeO_3 nanoparticles were prepared by decomposing a precursor La[Fe(CN)_6]·4H_2O at 800℃,the precursor was synthesized by a coordination precipitation proces
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Sol-gel-derived nano-powders of lead magnesium niobate and lead titanate solid solutions (PMN-PT or PMNT) were prepared from lead acetate trihydrate (Pb(CH3COO)
山野里响起阵阵爆竹声,清明节到了。  田埂上,山路上,走着一队一队挂青的人,都是清一色的男人。我们这支队伍里,杂着个穿花衣裳的小姑娘。她是我的堂妹梅小小,像男孩子一样好走动,要跟着我们去玩。  梅小小还真说对了,大人去扫墓挂青,我们小孩子乐得满山里疯玩:  刚下过小雨,野地里到处都是湿漉漉的,新长的植物叶子上滚动着亮晶晶的露珠。  层层梯田里,金灿灿的油菜花开了。  路边山坡上,鲜艳的映山红花开了
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