
来源 :福建水产 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hanyi1983
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台湾省水产学会并水产界同仁:闽台一衣带水,隔海相望,同是炎黄子孙,血脉相承。祖国统一,人民团结,民族昌盛,这是中华儿女之心声,也是闽台水产界同仁之心愿。台湾海峡如同蓝色的彩带把闽台两岸水产界紧密联结一起。千百年来,两岸渔民海为田园,渔为衣食,同一海域劳作,同一渔场捕鱼,渔具渔法因袭沿革,养殖技术互为交传,渔船渔民互有往来,可谓闽台水产界之交流源远流长。尤其是八十年代以来,闽台两省渔业比肩发展,日益繁荣。福建水产业蓬勃兴旺,1990年水产品产量达118万吨,渔区建设和人民生活日益改善。九十年代我省 Taiwan Fisheries Society and colleagues in the aquaculture sector: Fujian and Taiwan, a clothing belt across the sea, the same descendants, the same strain. The reunification of the motherland, the unity of the people, and the prosperous nation are the voices of the sons and daughters of China and the aspirations of colleagues in Fujian and Taiwan’s aquatic industries. The Taiwan Strait, like a blue ribbon, has closely linked Fujian and Taiwan’s aquatic communities together. For thousands of years, the sea of ​​fishermen on both sides of the Strait has become pastoral, fishing for food and clothing, working in the same area, and fishing in the same fishery. The fishery law of fishing gear has been followed up by successive generations. The fishery and fishermen are interdependent and can be described as the exchange between Fujian and Taiwan’s aquaculture circles Long history. Especially since the 1980s, the fisheries in Fujian and Taiwan provinces have grown shoulder by shoulder and are increasingly prosperous. Fujian’s aquaculture industry is booming. In 1990, the output of aquatic products reached 1.18 million tons, and the construction of fishing areas and people’s living standards have been improving day by day. Nineties of our province
加强职工思想教育 建设铁路文化网分局工会宣教科贵阳铁路分局管线分布在贵州高原的崇山峻岭之中,经济文化环境落后,职工生活条件艰苦。随着改革的发展,沿线职工在吃水、用电、