1971年7月9~11日,美国国家安全事务助理亨利·基辛格秘密访华,同周恩来总理会谈.这是中美两国政府交往中断了20年后的第一次重要高级会晤.这次会晤有两个目的:一是商讨尼克松访华的时间、主题、性质和可能的结果等问题;二是就双方关心的亚洲和世界和平问题进行讨论,为尼克松访华成功奠定基础.具体而言,会晤商谈的问题包括七个方面:台湾、印度支那、与苏联和日本等其他大国的关系、南亚次大陆、建立中美安全的沟通渠道、军控和尼克松访华公告.会谈为中美关系实现正常化迈出了关键的第一步.,In July 9 to 11,1971,Henry Kissinger,Assistant to the American President for National Security Affairs paid a secret visit to China to talk with Premier Zhou Enlai.This was the first important high-level meeting between the two govments after their official contacts were suspended for twenty years.The meeting had two purposes:first,to discuss the time,subject,nature and possible results of Nixon’s visit to China;second,to discuss the problems related to peace of Asia and the world,a focus of common conc,in order to lay the foundation for the success of Nixon’s visit.Specifically speaking,the discussions covered seven areas:Taiwan,Indochina,relations with the Soviet Union,Japan and other great powers,the South Asian subcontinent,the establishment of communication channel for the security of both countries,arms control and the communique of Nixon’s visit to China.During the talks there were both frank exchanges of views and fierce confrontation in defense of their respective positions,but the overall atmosphere was friendly,thus taking a critical first step forward for the normalization of Sino-US relations.