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中国图书馆学会第四次会员代表大会于1992年4月25日至27日在南京召开。出席会议的代表来自全国各省、自治区、直辖市的各系统图书馆、科研情报单位共200余人。大会选举产生了第四届理事会理事,通过了新《章程》,召开了四届一、二次理事会,选举了常务理事、正副理事长、秘书长等,文化部副部长刘德有当选为理事长。广东出席“四大”的代表有:谭祥金、张岳群、黄俊贵、赵平、赵希琢、韩太保、肖伦展、曾仕任、林懿宁等。谭祥金当选为副理事长,黄浚贵当选为常务理事,赵希琢、韩太保、肖伦展当选为理事。 The Fourth Congress of the Chinese Library Society was held in Nanjing from April 25 to April 27, 1992. Representatives attending the conference came from various system libraries and scientific research intelligence units of various provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government in all over 200. The council elected the fourth council members, adopted the new “constitution”, held the first and second councils, elect the executive director, vice president, secretary general, deputy minister of culture LiuDeYou elected For the chairman. Representatives of Guangdong attending the “big four” include: Tan Cheong Kim, Zhang Yuequn, Huang Jungui, Zhao Ping, Zhao Xi Zhuo, Han Taibao, Xiao Lunzhan, Zeng Shiren, Lin Yining and others. Tan Xiang Jin was elected vice chairman, Huang Jungui was elected as executive director, Zhao Xi Zhuo, Han Tai Bao, Xiao Lun exhibition was elected as director.
世界上最震撼人心的铁轨之旅,莫过于乘坐冰川快车,穿梭在瑞士风景如画的阿尔卑斯山脉中。前提是,你的心脏准备好了吗? The most exciting track in the world is by glacier
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Horizontal wells are commonly used in bottom water reservoirs,which can increase contact area between wellbores and reservoirs.There are many completion methods