Low-temperature exothermic oxidation of fine-grained pyrite in marine carbonaceous rocks can lead to spontaneous combustion. As a result, the organic matter in these rock formations is consumed as a fuel, but different from the burnt seam and the lignite, where the main rock can be retained after combustion. They undergo thermal deterioration, sometimes with partial or complete melting. Burning metamorphic belt often associated with the oil field. Their distribution is not only related to the surface outcrop of source rocks but also to the leakage of reservoirs. Magnetic studies of a set of combustion metamorphic samples from the Monterrey and Sesquisac formations in southern California show that both the magnetization and the susceptibility increase in either the hot metamorphic or molten rock samples. These changes both reflect the formation of new magnetic minerals (mainly from the oxidation of iron sulfide), also shows that they obtain the thermal remanence. Ground magnetometry of the combustion metamorphic zones of the three fields in southern California revealed that the anomalies associated with metamorphic and molten rocks were as high as 2000 °. Large-scale aeromagnetic anomalies are also associated with extensive combustion metamorphic zones in the Marcelinas Formation in Venezuela and in the Qai Lai Bu Formation and the Takiye Formation in the Israel (dot zone). The identification of magnetic anomalies caused by combustion and metamorphism passing through the oil-producing region shows that low-lying magnetic submarine spacing may be an effective oil and gas exploration method.