Ab initio calculations were performed on a series of hydrogen-bonded complexes of amides (DMF, DMA, HCONH_2, HCONHCH_3, CH_3CONH_2) with phenol (as supramolecules) using the G94W Quantum Chemistry Package at HF / 6-31G base group level. The stability of the complex, the charge transfer between donor and acceptor and the change of geometrical parameters are discussed according to the calculated results. The results showed that both the phenol and the series of amides could form stable hydrogen bond complexes with the order of stability as CH_3CONH_2 to HCON-HCH_3> HCONH_2> DMA> DMF. The results also show that the process of forming a hydrogen bonding complex involves charge transfer and charge transfer from the donor amide to the acceptor phenol. The C = O bond length in the amide and the OH bond length in the phenol all apparently regularly increase . The calculation results are consistent with the experimental rules.