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来源 :现代营销(创富信息版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wnan100
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我叫薄中有,今年45岁是现代营销的忠实读者,从90年我就开始看现代营销杂志了,我原在我们当地一家乡镇企业上班,98年企业改革归个人了。单位精减我自愿选择辞职,因本人是一个不安分的人早就想自己创业。我从事许多种行业:开过饭店、木材加工厂、养过肉食鸡、做过防盗手机套,种过芽苗菜,卖过手机防丢器,做过散装洗洁精……这么说吧,我从98年出来创业至今我做过不下20个项目。只有经营木材加工厂时挣点钱,后来因原材料难购买不得不放弃。我做其它生意都没挣到钱,反而赔进去 My name is Thinzhong, 45 years old this year is a loyal reader of modern marketing, from 90 years I began to look at the modern marketing magazine, I was working in a local township enterprises to our work, 98 years of enterprise reform to the individual. Unit reduction I voluntarily choose to resign, because I am a restless person already wanted to start their own business. I have worked in many industries: driving through restaurants, wood processing plants, raising broiler meat, doing burglarproof phone cases, planting sprouts, selling phone anti-lost gear, doing bulk detergent ... So to speak, I started out in 1998 so far I have done no less than 20 projects. Only earn money when operating wood processing plants, and later because of difficult to buy raw materials have to give up. I did not make money in other business, but lost in