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今年10月15日,是伟大的共产主义战士、杰出的无产阶级革命家习仲勋同志诞辰101周年纪念日。去年这个日子,我应邀出席了在中央党校附近的“绿杨宾舍”(原名西公所)举行的纪念习仲勋同志诞辰100周年座谈会。1962年至1965年,习仲勋同志一家就住在这里。当年,因所谓《刘志丹》小说问题,习仲勋被康生陷害而受到审查。周总理出于保护他,特向毛主席建议,在中央党校附近找个让他安静学习的地方,就是这处“绿 On October 15 this year, it was the 101st anniversary of the birth of Comrade Xi Zhongxun, a great communist fighter and an outstanding proletarian revolutionary. On this day last year, I was invited to attend a symposium on the 100th anniversary of Comrade Xi Zhongxun held at ”Green House Guesthouse “ (formerly known as Xigong) near the Central Party School. From 1962 to 1965, Comrade Xi Zhongxun lived there. That year, due to the so-called ”Liu Zhidan“ novels, Xi Zhongxun Kangsun framed subject to censorship. In order to protect him, Premier Zhou specifically proposed to Chairman Mao that he should find a place near the Central Party School where he could quietly study. This is where ”green