
来源 :财经研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:silverfox
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土地价格市场化是中国要素价格改革的重要组成部分。文章基于2007-2013年中国工业部门面板数据,实证检验了工业用地相对价格变动对中国工业部门要素投入调整和技术进步偏向的影响。研究发现:短期内,东部地区工业用地相对价格上升抑制了工业用地需求,并诱致了非土地要素对工业用地的替代,但在全国层面和中西部地区并没有显著观察到土地要素相对价格变动的短期诱致替代效应;长期内,工业用地价格上升诱致了能源与物质资本节约型和知识资本使用型技术的使用,土地节约型技术进步特征仅在东部地区得到了显著支持,在全国层面和中西部地区都不显著,这与中国政府主导型的工业用地价格市场化改革特征密切相关。未来中国应以土地价格市场化改革为契机,重视土地价格杠杆对工业部门要素结构优化和技术创新的激励效应,推动工业转型升级。 Marketization of land prices is an important part of the reform of factor prices in China. Based on the panel data of China’s industrial sector from 2007 to 2013, this paper empirically tests the impact of the relative price changes of industrial land on the factor input adjustment and technological progress bias of China’s industrial sector. The study finds that in the short term, the relative price increase of industrial land in the eastern part of China restrains the demand for industrial land and induces the non-land factor’s substitution for industrial land. However, no significant changes in the relative price of land have been observed at the national level and in the central and western regions In the long run, the rise of industrial land prices has led to the use of energy-saving and material capital-saving technologies and the use of knowledge-based capital. Land-saving technological advances have received significant support only in the eastern region. At the national level and in the central and western regions Region is not significant, which is closely related to the market-oriented reform of the price of industrial land dominated by the Chinese government. In the future, China should take market-oriented reform of land prices as an opportunity to attach importance to the incentive effects of land-price leveraging on structural optimization and technological innovation in the industrial sector and promote industrial restructuring and upgrading.
1 数字图像工作的仪器基本配备输入设备:数码相机NIKON-D1X(17-35cm,28-105cm变焦镜头,80cm微距镜头,70-210cm变焦镜头和128MB储存卡),UMAX Astra6400扫描仪.
目的探讨食管癌术后"三管"护理问题,提高护理康复的效果。方法收集2010年3月~2012年2月20例食管癌手术患者资料,探讨"三管"护理内容及方法,总结护理经验。结果 20例患者没有护理并