在国产电子计算机和其他电子仪器仪表中越来越多的采用了扁导体带状电缆。它与圆导体带状电缆的不同在于其导体是扁平的金属带而不是多股绞合芯线。在 DJS240计算机上的大量应用为扁导体带状电缆的工程化做出了重要的尝试,表明它比一般圆线电缆系统具有更多的优越性:
More and more flat-conductor ribbon cables are used in domestic electronic computers and other electronic instruments. It differs from a round conductor ribbon cable in that its conductor is a flat metal band rather than stranded strands. The large number of applications on the DJS240 computer have made important attempts to engineer a flat conductor ribbon cable showing that it has more advantages than a typical round cable system: