0引言核桃以其丰富的营养和独特的风味,名列四大干果之首,在国内享有“长寿果”的美称。随着人们生活水平的不断提高和对核桃经济价值认识的深入,核桃在国内、国际市场上十分走俏,需求量不断增加,价格连年上升。市场供不应求。目前我国人均核桃占有量虽不足200 g,是美国的30%,但预计到2014年我国人均消费将达到350 g,在
0 Introduction Walnut with its rich nutrition and unique flavor, ranked the top four dried fruits in the country to enjoy the “longevity fruit” reputation. With the continuous improvement of people’s living standards and the deepening understanding of the economic value of walnuts, walnuts are very popular in the domestic and international markets, with increasing demand and rising prices year after year. Market demand. At present, although the per capita possession of walnut in China is less than 200 g, 30% of that in the United States, it is estimated that by 2014 China’s per capita consumption will reach 350 g.