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25集电视连续剧《七仙女正传》,立意要把千百年来老百姓家喻户晓的神话故事演绎成风格样式令人耳目一新的娱乐片的古装戏,使得原本单一的抒情主题和情节主线变得摇曳生姿、一波三折。其大胆奇绝的创意,以及上影厂、峨影厂、北影厂京沪港台多方合作的强大阵容,很快吸引了张国立、梁庆刚、牛犇等大腕名角,出演玉皇大帝、太白金星、赤脚大仙等各路神仙。其中引人关注的黄宗洛,也在剧中饰演仙气、人气、妖气各有三分的大媒人槐树精——正是由这棵老槐树做媒,董永和七仙女才得以私定终身。 25 sets the TV series “Seven Fairies”, the original intention to thousands of years of common people’s myths deduced into a style style refreshing entertainment costume drama, making the original single lyric theme and plot mainline sasha Twists and turns. Its bold and innovative ideas and the strong lineup of multi-party cooperation between Shanghai Film Factory, Eryang Film Factory and Beiying Film Factory in Beijing, Hong Kong and Taiwan soon attracted the biggest names such as Zhang Guoli, Liang Qinggang and Niu Ben and starred in Jade Emperor, Taibai Venus, Da Xian and other immortals. One attracts attention Huang Zongluo, also plays Xianqi, popularity, Yaoqi one-third of the big matchmaker Sophora japonica - it is from this old locust tree media, Dong Yonghe seven fairies to private life.
卜德(Derk Bodde, 1909—2003)是美国著名的中国学家,曾长期执教于宾夕法尼亚大学。他在中国历史、思想、文学、民俗等领域成就卓著,曾当选1968—1969年度美国东方学会主席;1985年获得美国亚洲学会杰出贡献奖。在美国汉学史上,卜德是多个研究领域的开拓者,秦代史是其中之一。  《中国第一个统一者:从李斯的一生研究秦代》(China’s First Unifier: a Study