Faced with the current situation of the drama is not booming, in recent years, people through various channels, using various methods, trying to revitalize the opera. The revival of drama depends on many factors, such as the traditional opera policy, institutional reform, repertoire building, human resource development, and audience attitude. But I think the foremost is the conceptual update of people. A lot of historical evidence proves that any change is always premised on the concept update. This kind of situation is not uncommon in the history of ideas, history of science and technology, and history of culture. It is also true today’s reality is no lack of examples. After the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Party, the changes in rural areas and cities are all also guided by the renewal of concepts. All this shows that without new ideas, there can be no new changes and no new developments. Drama is no exception. So, to revive the drama, which ideas should be updated? I think at least the following three points: