大型运载火箭的低频振动是值得引起我们注意的严重的飞行环境之一。这种振动环境往往与 pogo 振动有密切的关系。20多年来,国外运载火箭由于严重的低频振动而导致飞行失败的例子不少。例如:法国的钻石-B 由于过大的低频振动而使卫星部分失效;严重的纵向振动使大力神Ⅱ误发出了耗尽关机的假信号,使土星 V/阿波罗 B 的性能显著下降;这种环境又迫
The low-frequency vibration of large launch vehicles is one of the serious flying environments that deserve our attention. This vibration environment is often closely related to pogo vibration. For more than two decades there have been many examples of foreign rocket launches that failed due to severe low-frequency vibration. For example, French Diamond-B partially invalidated the satellite due to excessive low-frequency vibration. Severe longitudinal vibrations caused Hercules II to erroneously send out a dead-end glitch causing a significant drop in the performance of Saturn V / Apollo B. Kind of environment and forced