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一 李清照的一生,以南渡为标志可分为前后两个时期。有人认为,在李清照的前后期作品里,都表现了出了“爱国主义思想”,甚至把她与赵明诚共同收藏金石碑帖、铭器书画等,也被说成是热爱祖国传统文化,因而即是“爱国主义思想”的表现,所以得出结论说;李清照的“爱国主义思想”前后期是一贯的。也有人认为,在李清照的前后期词作里,并没有表现爱国思想,只是在其后期诗赋里才具有爱国思想。对于这个问题,我认为在南渡前我们并没有发现李清照在社会生活中有爱国行动。从有关史料中我们知道,由于北宋最高统治集团中存在权力之争,李格非和赵挺之成为对立的两党中的成员。宋徽宗时代赵挺之为礼部侍郎,“排击元枯诸人不遗力”,李格非“以党籍罢”。李清照为救其父,曾向赵挺之进言说;“何况人间父子情。”被苏轼斥为“聚敛小人,学行无取”的赵挺之,自然不会听取李清照的请求。由于赵挺之不择手段“排击”元祐党人,竟步步高升,后来又投靠宰相蔡京,升为尚书右仆射。在其权势显赫,炙手可热时,李清照又写了“炙手可热心可寒”的诗句,表示对赵挺之极为不满。在北宋统治集团内部的权利之争问题上,李清照表明了自己鲜明的政治态度。李清照是一个颇有识见的勇敢女性,但这与“爱国思想”并不沾边。有人认为,李清照和赵明 A life of Li Qingzhao, with the sign of Nandu can be divided into two periods before and after. Some people think that in both the pre-and post-works of Li Qingzhao, “patriotism” was shown, and even she and Zhao Mingcheng jointly collected the stone inscriptions, the Ming Dynasty calligraphy and painting, etc., were also said to be the traditional culture of the motherland, which means The expression of “patriotism”, it concluded that Li Qingzhao’s “patriotism” had been consistent before and after. Some people also think that in Li Qingzhao’s prefaces and later periods, there is no expression of patriotism, but only patriotic thought in later poetry. For this issue, I think we did not find that Li Qingzhao had a patriotic act in social life before the Nadu visit. From the relevant historical data we know that because of the power struggle in the highest ruling group in the Northern Song Dynasty, Li Gefei and Zhao Tingzhi became members of the opposing two parties. Song Zhaozong Zhao Ting era as assistant minister of ceremonies, “Pai Yuan Yuan Khan do their best”, Li Gefei “party membership strike.” Li Qingzhao saved his father and told Zhao Tingzhi to say: “Not to mention human father and son.” Zhao Tingzhi, who was dismissed by Su Shi as “gathering little people and having no access to school,” naturally would not listen to Li Qingzhao’s request. Due to Zhao Ting’s unscrupulous “row hit” Yuan You party, actually step by step, and later voted to the Prime Minister Cai Jing, promoted to Shangshu right foot shot. In his illustrious, hot, Li Qingzhao also wrote “hot and cold” verse, said Zhao Tingzhi extremely dissatisfied. In the dispute over the rights within the ruling group of the Northern Song Dynasty, Li Qingzhao showed his distinct political attitude. Li Qingzhao is a wise and brave woman, but it is not detached from the “patriotism.” Some people think that Zhao and Zhao Ming Zhao