自自越越中中两两国国关关系系正正常常化化和和边边境境开开放放((11999911年年))至至今今 ,,两两国国的的贸贸易易迅迅速速发发展展 ,,双双边边贸贸易易额额不不断断增增长长 ,,两两国国经经济济互互补补互互利利。。为为了了能能全全面面地地评评价价过过去去十
Since the Vietnam-China relations between the two countries, the relations between the two countries have been normalized and the borders have been opened to the outside world ((11999911)) Up to now, the trade between the two countries is quick and easy Development and Development of Development Bilateral Trade and Trade The quotas of trade and commerce have not been continuously increased and increased. The two countries have mutually benefited each other through economic complementarity. . In order to be able to fully evaluate the price over the past ten