
来源 :艺术教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangyujing07
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二战后,西方工业科技的迅猛发展,催生了后现代主义美术的诞生。后现代主义美术有着不同于现代主义美术的审美特征,主要体现在五个方面:拼贴性与流行性的审美追求;打破美术与生活界限;强调从主观感情转向客观世界;空无境界的追求与共同创造的意识以及主张艺术平民化;广泛运用大众传播媒介等。文章主要从这五个方面对西方后现代主义美术的审美特征进行探讨,以期更好地把握和理解后现代主义美术的特点。 After World War II, the rapid development of western industrial science and technology gave birth to the birth of post-modern art. Postmodernist art has aesthetic characteristics different from those of modern art, which are mainly embodied in five aspects: the aesthetic pursuit of collage and popularity; the break of art and life boundaries; the shift from subjective feelings to the objective world; the pursuit of an emptiness Together with the common sense of creation and advocating the popularization of the arts; extensive use of the mass media and so on. The article mainly discusses the aesthetic characteristics of western postmodernist art from these five aspects in order to better grasp and understand the characteristics of postmodern art.