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编辑同志:人的一生难免会遇到一些挫折和失败,面对挫折和失败应当怎么办?《中外期刊文萃》杂志刊登了一篇《不要轻易说放弃》的文章,很有启发和教育意义,现推荐给贵刊。王晓月有一个人,年轻时家庭生活贫困,靠他一人养家糊口。有一次,他到一家电器工厂去谋职,他走进这家工厂的人事部,向一位负责人说明了来意,请求给安排一个哪怕是最低下的工作。这位负责人看到他衣着肮脏,又瘦又小,觉得很不理想,但又不便于直说,就找一个理由说:“我们现在暂不缺人,你一个月以后再来看看吧。”这本来是个托词,没想到一个月后这个人真的来了,那位负责人又推说此刻有事,过几天再说吧。隔了几天,他又来了,如此反复多次,这位负责人干脆说出了真正的理由:“你这样脏兮兮的是进不了我们工厂的。”这个人回去后借了一些钱,买了一件整齐的衣服穿上又返回来。那位人事主管一看实在没有办法,便告诉他:“关于电器方面的 Editor’s Comrade: People’s life will inevitably encounter some setbacks and failures, the face of setbacks and failures should be how to do? ”Chinese and foreign periodicals“ magazine published a ”Do not give up easily“ article, very enlightening and educational significance Now recommended to your publication. Wang Xiaoyue has a man, his family life is poor, rely on him to feed their families. Once, he went to an electrical factory to seek employment, he walked into the factory personnel department, explained to a responsible person, requested to arrange for even a minimum of work. The responsible person saw him dirty-looking, thin and small, and found it very unsatisfactory, but not easy to say, to find a reason to say: ”We are now no shortage of people, you look at it a month later Bar. “” This was an excuse, did not expect a month later this person really came, the person in charge also said at the moment something, a few days to say it. After a few days, he came again, repeated so many times, and the responsible person simply stated the real reason: “You are so dirty that you can not enter our factory.” “The man borrowed it after he went back Some money, bought a neat dress put on and returned. The person in charge of a look there is no solution, then told him: ”On the electrical aspects
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