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美国“21世纪陆地勇士”中的武器子系统“21世纪陆地勇士”是美军的一个远期计划,其武器子系统是理想单兵战斗武器(OICW)。美军研制该武器旨在取代现役5.56毫米M4卡宾枪、5.56毫米 M16A2自动步枪、部分5.56毫米 M249班用机枪和40毫米 M203式榴弹发射器,装备美国陆军、空军、海军、海军陆战队、海岸警卫队和特种作战部队.成为美国21世纪部队步兵的 Weapon Subsystem in the Twenty-first Century Land Warrior The Twenty-first Century Land Warrior is a long-term plan for the U.S. military whose weapon subsystem is the Ideal Individual Combat Weapon (OICW). Designed to replace the current 5.56mm M4 carbine, 5.56mm M16A2 automatic rifle, 5.56mm M249 class machine gun and 40mm M203 grenade launcher, the U.S. military is equipped with the U.S. Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard And Special Operations Forces, becoming 21st-century U.S. Army infantry