《SUMMON NIGHT 3》发表已经有一段很长的时间了,但是它一直蒙着一层神秘的面纱,相信各位忠实的 FANS 们已经等的万分焦急了吧,相隔了数月的时光,终于再次公布这款游戏的新消息了。就像它的游戏名称一样,这个系列是以“召唤”为中心来展开整个故事的,而人物设定也离不开召唤师和召唤兽,还有在游戏过程中对于育成的方法都会令玩家感到新奇,无时无刻不吸引着大家的目光。现在就让我们详细为大家作介绍吧,喜欢这款游戏的朋友可要注意了。
SUMMON NIGHT 3 has been published for a long time, but it has been covered with a layer of mysterious veil, I believe all faithful FANS have been so anxious, after a few months time and finally announced again What’s new in this game? Like its game name, this series is based on “call ” as the center to start the whole story, and the character set can not be separated from the summoner and summon animals, as well as in the game for breeding methods will So that players feel novelty, all the time does not attract everyone’s attention. Now let us introduce it in detail for everyone, friends who like this game should pay attention.