Numerical Study of Combining Steady Vortex Generator Jets and Deflected Trailing Edge to Reduce the

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mysnake
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A flow control system that combined steady Vortex Generator Jets and Deflected Trailing-edge(VGJs-DT) to decrease the low pressure turbine(LPT) blade numbers was presented.The effects of VGJs-DT on energy loss and flow of low solidity low pressure turbine(LSLPT) cascades were studied.VGJs-DT was found to decrease the energy loss of LSLPT cascade and increase the flow turning angle.VGJs-DT decreased the solidity by 12.5%without a significant increase in energy loss.VGJs-DT was more effective than steady VGJs.VGJs-DT decreased the energy loss and increased the flow angle of the LSLPT cascade with steady VGJs.VGJs-DT can use 50%less mass flow than steady VGJs to inhibit the flow separation in the LSLPT cascade.The deflected trailing edge enhanced the ability of steady VGJs to resist flow separation.Overall,VGJs-DT can be used to control flow separation in LPT cascade and reduce the blade numbers of low pressure turbine stage. A flow control system that combination steady Vortex Generator Jets and Deflected Trailing-edge (VGJs-DT) to decrease the low pressure turbine (LPT) blade numbers was presented. These effects of VGJs-DT on energy loss and flow of low solidity low pressure Turbine (LSLPT) cascades were studied. VGJs-DT was found to decrease the energy loss of LSLPT cascade and increase the flow turning angle. VGJs-DT decreased the solidity by 12.5% ​​without a significant increase in energy loss. effective than steady VGJs.VGJs-DT decreased the energy loss and increased the flow angle of the LSLPT cascade with steady VGJs.VGJs-DT can use 50% less mass flow than steady VGJs to inhibit the flow separation in the LSLPT cascade. deflected trailing edge enhanced the ability of steady VGJs to resist flow separation. Overall, VGJs-DT can be used to control flow separation in LPT cascade and reduce the blade numbers of low pressure turbine stage.
摘要:随着教育观念的更新,由“教师为中心”转移到以“学生为中心”,在教学中,注重学生的情感因素,可以取得意想不到的效果,尤其是对于毕业班的学生来说,教师关心学生的情感,可以让学生的焦虑、紧张情绪及时得到排解,也可以让学生感受到教师的关爱,更加努力地学习。因此,本文主要探讨如何巧妙地应用情感因素积极优化初中英语毕业班的教学。  关键词:情感因素;积极优化;初中英语;毕业班;教学  中图分类号:G4 
1980年生于河北。2015年畢业于首都师范大学美术学院。  作品多次刊登于《东方艺术》《美术天地》《中国艺术》《享悦艺术》《美术报》等报刊。  作品参加2015年学院新方阵——2015年度提名展;2015年“青年思想家——勇气与自由”北京当代艺术邀请展;2015年“以陶为媒——探索与续航”海峡两岸青年艺术家跨界创作计划成果展;2016年“八零·八零”当代中国画八零后艺术家提名展;2017年“空山
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