Pedogenesis affecting the Matuyama-Brunhes polarity transition recorded in Chinese loess?

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:longzy773
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A detailed record of the Matuyama-Brunhes (M-B) transition has been obtained from the loess unit 8 (L8) at Duanjiapo (34.2° N, 109.2° E), Shannxi Province of China. An investigation of the rock magnetic properties using hysteresis loops, thermomagnetic analyses identifies pseudo-single domain magnetite as the main carrier of the rema-nence, with a small contribution from maghemite and hema-tite. The paleo-direction records obtained reveal: ( i ) The M-B transition was recorded in the middle and lower part of L8, and comprises of five fast reversals. (ii) The duration of the M-B polarity transition related to the directional change is about 4800 a. (iii) The virtual geomagnetic pole (VGP) path during the transition is confined over Africa, peaked 90° away from the sampling site, in contrast with the results obtained from the Weinan loess section. The different VGPs are probably attributed to the pedogenesis. A detailed record of the Matuyama-Brunhes (MB) transition has been obtained from the loess unit 8 (L8) at Duanjiapo (34.2 ° N, 109.2 ° E), Shannxi Province of China. An investigation of the rock magnetic properties using hysteresis loops , thermomagnetic analyzes identifies identifies pseudo-single domain magnetite as the main carrier of the rema-nence, with a small contribution from maghemite and hema-tite. The paleo-direction records obtained: (i) The MB transition was recorded in the middle and (ii) The duration of the MB polarity transition related to the directional change is about 4800 a. (iii) The virtual geomagnetic pole (VGP) path during the transition is confined over Africa , peaked 90 ° away from the sampling site, in contrast with the results obtained from the Weinan loess section. The different VGPs are probably attributed to the pedogenesis.
一、前言 安徽省沿江圩区,位于长江中下游,包括安庆、芜湖、巢湖等地区一部,总面积12,096平方公里,圩田770万亩。本地区气候温和,雨量丰富,土壤肥沃,盛产水稻,素有“鱼米之
针对户部寨地区Es23—Es4 3 段地层特点 ,分析了压裂过程中的地层损害机理。由于该地区粘土矿物含量高、毛细管半径小、地层物性差 ,使用常规压裂液施工时 ,会造成粘土膨胀、