这几天,M市人民医院被一个个子不高,长得精瘦的老头搅了个天翻地覆。他一会儿在内科病房大吵大闹,骂医务人员无能,治不好他的病;一会儿又在外科楼门上痛哭失声,让医务人员帮他截去双腿,晚上又去病房大呼小叫,搅得病人、医护人员全都不得安宁。那么,这个老头到底为什么这样折腾呢? 大闹医院的老头姓徐,今年59岁,是某单位的干部,10年前被诊断患有糖尿病。当时医生告诉他这是一个慢性病,迄今为止,尚无切实可行的办法来彻底根治它,患者必须做好打持
These days, M City People’s Hospital was a tall, lean old man stirred upside down. He was a long time quarrel in the medical ward, curse medical staff incompetent, cure his illness; while crying again in the surgical floor door, let the medical staff to help him cut off his legs at night to the ward shout , Stirring the patient, medical staff are all not peace. Well, the old man in the end why so toss it? Hurriedly hospital old man surnamed Xu, 59 years old this year, is a unit of cadres, 10 years ago was diagnosed with diabetes. At that time, the doctor told him that this is a chronic disease, so far, there is no practical way to completely cure it. Patients must be well supported