张大公子来上海 1937年8·13事变后,日寇的铁蹄踏进了上海,但租界里还是歌舞升平的景象。静安寺路上远东第一高楼的国际饭店,既是达官贵人寻欢作乐的场所,也是实力雄厚的四行储蓄会的总部。银行界巨头、盐业银行总经理吴鼎昌,这天在他饭店的办公室里,与从天津赶来的张伯驹商谈一件事,要他来上海任职。 张伯驹,民国四大公子之一。四人通指:洪宪复辟皇帝袁世凯之子袁克定,北洋之虎段祺瑞之子段宏业,清末大官僚张镇芳之子张伯
Grandchildren come to Shanghai After the 8.13 Incident of 1937, the Japanese hoofs stepped into Shanghai with the iron hooves, but the scene was still flourishing in the concession. Jing’an Temple Road, the tallest building in the Far East, the International Hotel, is not only dignitaries enjoyable places, but also the strength of the four-line savings club headquarters. Wu Dingchang, the banking giant and the general manager of Salt Bank, on this day in his hotel office, talked to Zhang Boju, who had come from Tianjin, to talk about one thing and asked him to work in Shanghai. Zhang Boju, one of the four son of the Republic of China. The four refer to: Hong Xian Yuan Ke-kai, the son of the restoration of the Yuan Dynasty Yuan Ke-ding, the son of the Beiyang tiger section Duan Qirui Duan Hongye, the son of Zhang Zhenfang,