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  In 2010 and 2011, six NBA teams were sold. Since then, six more franchises have changed hands. Together, that represents 40 percent of the league. Yet, it does not appear a single NBA franchise is currently up for sale.
  Is the NBA simply stable now? Or are there other elements at play?
  The global economic crisis seemed to spur on at least a couple of the earlier sales in the 2010-11 sale boom, and at least one post-2012. That worldwide recession appears to have made luxuries like NBA franchises more like movable liabilities than must-have assets.
  Bruce Ratner apparently sold the Nets to Mikhail Prokhorov under some level of financial duress at he attempted to get his Atlantic Yards development in Brooklyn done. Bob Johnson is the only NBA franchise owner in history believed to have sold for no profit — he unloaded the Hornets on Michael Jordan in 2010 as the team floundered. The NBA itself famously took the now-Pelicans off George Shinn’s hands in 2010, fearing collapse of the market and missed payroll. The Maloofs, who suffered mightily due to Las Vegas’ particularly acute downturn circa 2008, held onto the Kings until 2013, but eventually solid for liquidity.
  None of these franchise owners, with the potential exception of Shinn and possibly the Maloofs, were at risk of suffering so mightily during the economic crisis that they could have lost their teams to creditors. But the NBA teams represented unnecessary burdens in their portfolios.
  Two more sales stemmed from the deaths of longtime franchise owners: Bill Davidson in Detroit and Abe Pollin in Washington, D.C. Their wives elected to sell the NBA teams. Tom Gores ended up with the steal of the century in getting the Pistons and some real estate interests for $325 million in 2011. Ted Leonsis took the reins of the Wizards a year prior.
  长期拥有球队的老板去世导致了另外两笔出售行为:活塞的比尔·戴维森和奇才的亚伯·波林,他们的遗孀选择出售球队。汤姆·格尔斯完成了本世纪最大的一笔打劫交易,他在2011年用价值约3.25亿美元的房产买下了活塞。一年前,泰德·莱昂西斯买下了奇才的股份。   The two other teams sold in 2010 and 2011 appeared to be your standard sports franchise sales: owners of weak teams decided it wasn’t fun anymore. The Warriors sold in 2010 for a then-record $450 million. The Sixers were sold by Comcast-Spectator in the summer of 2011 for a much lower price.
  Ah, the summer of 2011. The elephant in the room.
  The 2011 NBA lockout cost just 16 regular season games in the end, but the stakes were extraordinarily high. The league claimed half the teams were losing money and no internal revenue sharing could help make every team profitable. Fearing a fully lost season and a loss at the bargaining table, the union folded in November and gave up roughly $300 million per year in players’ salaries. On paper, the second that deal was signed, every NBA team should have been able at least to break even while staying competitive in terms of payroll. Most teams should have been able to mint money.
  But the new profit security found in the labor deal didn’t show up in franchise sale prices right away. The league finally found a local buyer in New Orleans for the now-Pelicans, and sold the team to Tom Benson at only a very minor profit. Robert Pera, a young Silicon Valley tycoon, won the Grizzlies for a modest $350 million — somewhat higher than what you’d expect based on market size and recent sales, but nothing extraordinary.
  Then the economic reality of the new labor deal and the new TV revenue paradigm set in, and all hell broke loose.
  In early 2013, Chris Hansen, a man desperate to get a team back to Seattle, threw half a billion dollars at the increasingly desperate Maloofs. Vivek Ranadive somehow figured that he could make those numbers work in Sacramento, and won the NBA’s support. That $535 million purchase price set a new NBA record.
  A year later, that record fell when Herb Kohl sold the Bucks for $550 million to out-of-town financiers. Those billionaires, Marc Lasry and Wes Edens, had no ties to Milwaukee but had determined that an NBA franchise based in Wisconsin was worth every penny ... plus a $100 million commitment for a new arena (presuming the public would kick in a big chunk, as well).   一年后,当赫伯·科尔以5.5亿美元价格将雄鹿出手给密尔沃基市外的金融家,再次创造了纪录。马克·拉斯里和维斯·艾登思这些亿万富翁和密尔沃基不存在业务往来,但他们认为一支主场在威斯康星州的NBA球队值这么多钱……他们还要为新的体育馆额外支付1亿美元(假设还有更多公共资金注入)。

  Later in 2014, TMZ blew up Donald Sterling’s decades-long anti- stewardship of the L.A. Clippers by revealing him a scumbag racist (despite just about everyone who pays attention already knows him to be a scumbag racist). After the league ejected Sterling from the exclusive NBA club, his estranged wife agreed to sell the team to Steve Ballmer for a new record price: $2 billion.
  That $2 billion price drew lots of attention, and it was higher than anyone expected.
  A couple of months later, the NBA announced its new TV broadcast deal. Instead of each team earning $30 million a year from ESPN/ABC and Turner, each franchise would get about $86 million per year on average.Under the labor deal, players would take half. That’s still an extra $28 million for each team, with no extra expenses required. Just off the new national TV deal.
  That war continues to play out on local networks, where the bulk of each team’s games are shown. Many teams have elected to invest in their own regional sports networks to fully capitalize on the new TV paradigm.
  As if to prove the Clippers’ sale was no fluke, the Hawks sold for almost $900 million in 2015 to a group led by Tony Ressler, who missed out on the Clippers. Four years prior, Alex Meruelo, a California developer and pizza chain owner, agreed to purchase a majority stake in the club for$350 million, but pulled out during the NBA’s financial vetting process. Four years and some modest success later, the franchise was worth at least double that price.
  After just one sale in 2015, it does not appear a franchise will change hands in 2016, and realistically no franchises even appear to be on the market.
  2015年仅有一支球队换了东家,2016年似乎没有球队的所有权状态会发生改变,事实上,没有球队被摆上货架。   Prokhorov had made noises about selling the Nets in the past few years as his NBA tenure hadn’t been as successful as he’d promised. Yet, he’s since disowned that wanderlust and seems to be sticking around.

  The Timberwolves have softly been on the market for seemingly ages, but this year Glen Taylor unloaded just minority shares of the club to remain at the helm. It would appear he’ll sell the team — perhaps to one of these minority-stake owners — at some point, but not necessarily soon.
  And then we have the two longest-tenured owners in the league: Herb Simon in Indiana and the Lakers’ Buss family. Simon is 81 years old and none of his 10 children appear to be involved in the basketball franchise. Meanwhile, two Buss siblings are in the midst of a Cold War for the operation of the team, with a potential open skirmish a year or two away.
  These things tend to end with lawsuits; a lawsuit could very well lead to a Frank McCourt-like divestment. Which could lead to a $3 billion sale. Or $4 billion. (Would you be shocked if the Lakers sold for $5 billion?)
  Stability is healthy. The Shinn and Maloof situations were dangerous for the league, even if both ended up fine thanks to the guiding hand of David Stern.
  The league should also be concerned about the loosening bond of the NBA family and what that means for decision-making in moments of crisis, like a potential 2017 lockout. New Money rules the Board of Governors now, not the familiar old faces who watched the league grow from tape-delayed finals games to $6 billion of annual revenue. There isn’t a single individual owner who bought their team in the 1970s (the late Jerry Buss bought in 1979), and only four owners who arrived in the 1980s.
  Eighteen of the 30 current team owners entered the league in 2000 or later. With these massive investments come massive expectations. The NBA has met them so far. But Adam Silver and his team have to be concerned the hot streak will end at some point.
你无需去通过阅读球探报告来了解这小子有多擅长转换进攻,只用去看看他在过去这个夏天的成就即可。关于T.J.里夫,你最先需要知道的消息是,这位前锋遗憾落选了美国U19男篮的终极名单。但在几天后,他便成为了以色列征战U18欧青赛的一员(他出生于特拉维夫市,他的父亲布拉德·里夫曾在那里打过职业篮球)。八月,在率领以色列闯进欧锦赛B分区决赛后,他成为了赛会的MVP。  回到美国后,里夫做出了决定,宣布将收回
拉玛尔·奥多姆再次成为了头条人物,但没有人希望他以这种方式重回大众的视野。  奥多姆这次的新闻和一家名为南方爱情牧场的妓院有关,在这家位于内华达州帕伦普的合法色情场所内,他与女郎连开三天派对,在此期间,奥多姆多次服用了有草药配方的性药,喝了法国白兰地,当他在第三天被发现时,已经在贵宾房昏迷不醒。在被送往医院后,奥多姆被诊断出已经心脏衰竭,并且肾脏和肺部也都出现了严重问题。事发后,众多球星和明星都在
拉塞尔·威斯布鲁克总是喜欢尝鲜,比如说,“嘿,我在Reddit上的AMA开始直播了,快问我问题吧。”  Reddit是一家社交新闻网站,网站的口号是“提前于新闻发生,来自互联网的声音”。Reddit AMA又是其中最有特色的版块。AMA全称是Ask Me Anything(问我任何问题),所有人都可以在这一板块发出主题帖,其他网友可以在回复中向主帖人提出任何问题,而主帖人有权利选择是否回答。除了普
什么是家?  家是纽约布鲁克林周边的科尼岛,他的篮球初体验由此而起。家是乔治亚理工大学,在这里他是风云光鲜的篮球明星。家是冰天雪地的明尼苏达,这里有一支在选秀大会上相中他的NBA球队。有段时间,家也是新泽西(篮网)、菲尼克斯(太阳)、波士顿(凯尔特人)。当尼克斯交易来他时,重归纽约让他真正觅得了家的感觉。  但对于斯蒂芬·马布里而言,他现在的家是中国的北京。  这里是一套宽敞的公寓,位于繁华的市中
小组赛,91比42新加坡,76比73韩国,84比67约旦;复赛,75比62哈萨克斯坦,90比72黎巴嫩,89比65卡塔尔;1/4决赛,104比58印度;半决赛,70比57伊朗;决赛,78比67菲律宾;9战9胜登顶。其中,韩国,菲律宾和伊朗是上届亚锦赛的前三名。  不疾不徐,气定神闲,这就是2014年2月8日起接手中国男篮帅位,历经一年过半,将年轻的中国男篮重新推上亚洲之巅的宫鲁鸣的最好写照。而他自
匹克签约球员迈尔斯·普拉姆利已经在密尔沃基打了半个赛季,在那里,他感到很温暖,也很舒适,他觉得自己好像回到了家乡一样。而事实上,位于威斯康辛州的密尔沃基也的确称得上是他的第二故乡。  迈尔斯的母亲莱斯利从小就生活在威斯康辛州的尼纳,那里距离密尔沃基只有100英里(约合161公里)。迈尔斯的两个舅舅也是在威斯康辛州读完大学,并在这里生活。因此,从小到大,迈尔斯没少来这里。  “我对这里并不陌生,我一
“第一次穿上库里二代时,我就清晰地认识到了这一点——由于采用了缓震性能极佳的中底,整双鞋的性能得到了极大的提升。”库里说道,“在整个夏天的训练中,我穿的都是这款球鞋。令我高兴的是,这款鞋的设计和性能不仅能够帮我提升球场整体表现,而且还将给所有的篮球运动员带来真正有意义的创新。”  正如库里所说,Curry 2在性能上有了不小提升,是第一款采用了Charged Cushioning全掌缓震中底和Sp
扎克·拉文  1995年3月10日/1.96米/83公斤/PG-SG/明尼苏达森林狼  20岁的扎克·拉文即将进入个人的第二个NBA赛季。对于新人来说,第二个赛季的重要性不输于菜鸟赛季,很多时候,“新秀墙”正是出现在第二个赛季。拉文在菜鸟赛季拥有了不错的起点,他拿到了全明星的扣篮大赛冠军,也坐稳了森林狼的主力轮换。  如今,拉文更进一步。季前赛正式开打前,森林狼的代理主教练萨姆·米切尔就宣布,拉文
迈克尔·基德-吉尔克里斯特  1993年9月26日/2.01米/105公斤/SF/夏洛特黄蜂  很多球员会在进入联盟的第四个赛季、也就是新秀合同的最后一个赛季出现质的飞跃,比如吉米·巴特勒。迈克尔·基德-吉尔克里斯特原本也是这样的球员,这也是黄蜂在今年夏天愿意用一份四年5200万美元和他续约的原因之一。更重要的是,迈基吉是黄蜂最好的外线防守球员。上赛季,迈基吉上场时黄蜂的战绩是28胜29负。在迈基