板是建筑工程主要承重构件之一 ,起着将楼面或屋面荷载传递给梁或墙的作用。本人在工程实践中发现 ,现浇板设计存在以下易被忽视的问题。一、双向板当作单向板计算设计时为了计算方便或对板受力状态认识模糊 ,将双向板作为单向板计算。计算假定与实际受力状况不符合 ,导致一个
Plates are one of the major load-bearing components of construction and serve to transfer floor or roof loads to beams or walls. I found in engineering practice, there are the following cast-in-the-board design problems that are overlooked. First, the two-way board as a one-way board design calculations For the calculation of convenience or understanding of the status of the board fuzzy, the two-way board as a one-way board calculation. The calculation assumes that it does not correspond to the actual force situation, resulting in one