
来源 :中国血吸虫病防治杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zuo541018125
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目的分析江苏省淮安市所辖8个县(区)消除疟疾达标考核结果,为巩固消除疟疾成果提供依据。方法对2010-2016年淮安市网络报告疟疾疫情、发热病人血检、疟疾防治系统中疟疾病例流行病学个案调查表等流行病学调查与处置资料进行分析。对临床医生疟疾诊治知识考核和检验人员疟原虫镜检技能考核结果进行分析;对当地最后1例疟疾病例所在自然村,采制不少于200人份的居民滤纸血样品并进行疟原虫基因检测。结果 2010-2016年淮安市网络报告308例疟疾病例,疟原虫血检323 002人次,阳性272例,阳性率为0.08%;2010年和2011年分别有19例和3例本地感染病例,其余均为输入病例。除清河区外,7个县(区)采集居民滤纸血样品1 420人份进行疟原虫基因检测,结果均为阴性。8县(区)疟原虫镜检技能考核有6家单位平均分为20分,金湖县和淮安区平均分均为19.6分。疟疾诊治能力考核洪泽区平均分最高,为20分;淮安区平均分最低,为18.8分。淮安市8县(区)消除疟疾考核总得分均在97分以上。至2016年,淮安市所辖县(区)全部通过县级消除疟疾达标考核。结论淮安市8县(区)均以高分通过消除疟疾县级达标考核,今后应继续做好输入性疟疾的防控监测工作,巩固已取得的消除疟疾成果。 Objective To analyze the malaria compliance assessment results in 8 counties (districts) under the jurisdiction of Huaian City, Jiangsu Province, and provide the basis for consolidating the results of eliminating malaria. Methods The epidemiological investigation and disposal data of malaria epidemic in Heian City from 2010 to 2016, blood test in febrile patients, malaria epidemic case questionnaire in malaria prevention and control system were analyzed. Analyze the clinician’s knowledge of malaria diagnosis and examination and the examination results of the malaria parasite’s microscopic examination skills. Collect the paper blood sample of no less than 200 residents from the village where the last case of malaria was located and test the gene of malaria parasite. Results 2010-2010 Huai’an City Network reported 308 malaria cases and 323 002 blood tests in malaria parasites, with 272 positives (positive rate: 0.08%). In 2010 and 2011, there were 19 cases and 3 locally infected cases respectively. The rest were Enter the case. In addition to the Qinghe District, 7 420 counties of residents’ filter paper blood samples were collected from 7 counties (districts) for genetic testing of malaria parasites, and the results were negative. 8 counties (districts) Plasmodium microscopic examination skills assessment 6 units average divided into 20 points, Jinhu County and Huaian averaged 19.6 points. The malaria diagnosis and treatment ability assessment Hongze District, the highest average score of 20 points; Huai’an District, the lowest average score of 18.8 points. Huaian 8 counties (districts) to eliminate malaria assessment scores were at 97 points or more. By 2016, the counties (districts) under the jurisdiction of Huaian City all passed the examination of eliminating malaria at the county level. Conclusion Eight counties (districts) of Huai’an City passed high scores to eliminate the malaria county-level compliance assessment. In the future, prevention and control of imported malaria should be continued to consolidate the achievements made in eliminating malaria.
1940年,二战炮火燃到了比利时。远离首都布鲁塞尔的小镇上,一个年轻人冒着生命危险埋设地雷,炸毁了德军军列通过的铁路。年轻人遭逮捕被判绞刑。  有谁敢冒死救他?有,她就是16岁留学比利时的钱秀玲。  当时已经毕业并定居小镇的她,在报上看见一个德国侵略者的名字,这位将军曾在中国担任国民党军事顾问,与她的哥哥是莫逆之交。可他眼下是纳粹头子,会听取一个中国小女孩的建议么?钱秀玲没有被吓退,带着居民的联名
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翻开家里的旧相册,爸爸旧日的影像泛着哑光。  我的爷爷有两个儿子,两个女儿。上世纪70年代,爷爷四十多岁时患上糖尿病,把爸爸叫到病床前:“你是长子,以后要撑起整个家庭。”  也许,就因为这句话,一直勤奋学习的爸爸放弃了文革后恢复的高考。他16岁就开始工作,支撑家庭,做事有隐隐劲道,滔滔热力,扒两口家里的剩饭剩菜,每天能工作十几个小时。哪怕到中年,对他来说,在繁重的工作之余,夏天能吃上两片沙瓤的西瓜