在我国现存的花莲瑞穗,花莲丰滨,嘉义第五、六代,汕头,从化,封开,桂平,西畴,墨江等10座北回归线标志中,桂平北回归线标志是最近建成揭幕的。 1993年6月桂平北回归线标志破土动工,开挖抬高基础 3.5米的工程;1996年门月主体工程动工,1997年6月中旬竣工,1997年6月ZI日(夏至)揭
Among the 10 Tropic of Cancer signs in China, including the Ruihua in Hualien, Fengbin in Hualien, and the 5th and 6th generation in Chiayi, Shantou, Conghua, Fengkai, Guiping, Xichou and Mojiang, the Guilin Tropic of Cancer symbol was recently unveiled. In June 1993, the Guipeng Tropic of Cancer symbol broke ground and excavated a project that raised the base of 3.5 meters. In 1996, the construction of the main project of the Moon and Moon was completed. It was completed in mid-June 1997. It was revealed in June 1997 (Zizhi).