关于全面实施科教兴市战略 专家学者们认为,现在提出“科教兴市”正逢其时,大量民间资金苦于找不到好的出路;经过十余年的努力,科教的基础日益牢固,到了该发力的时候。而上海新一轮发展面临的主要问题,已不是缺少钱,而是缺少具有自主知识产权的科技创新和具有创新精神的大量人
Experts and scholars on the full implementation of the strategy of rejuvenating the city through science and education hold the opinion that it is at a time when the proposal of “rejuvenating the city with science and education” is putting a large amount of non-state funds on the road to finding a good solution. After more than a decade of hard work, the foundation for science and education has become increasingly solid. When the force. However, the major problems facing the new round of development in Shanghai are not lack of money, but lack of technological innovation and innovative large numbers of people with independent intellectual property rights