The Nantun Formation and Tongbomiao Formation in Hailaer Basin are the main target strata. The pyroclastic rocks are widely developed. The stratigraphic rocks generally contain tuffaceous components, and the tuffaceous content gradually increases from top to bottom. As the reservoir contains both tuffaceous and clay minerals, the pore structure of the reservoir becomes complex and the permeability becomes worse, so the interpretation model is not suitable. In this paper, by comparing and analyzing three kinds of saturation model based on cation exchange capacity, and making a statistical analysis on the clay content in the main target layer of the study block, it is determined that the saturation model of the block selects the Wexman-Smith based cation exchange theory (Waxman-Smits) model. Based on the classification of reservoirs, the m, n, Qv and other parameters in the volcaniclastic reservoir WS model were determined. The average absolute error was ± 8.2%, improve the accuracy of saturation parameter calculation.